*** Dedicated to Chester Bennington, for making us beat the darkness! * ** When I first saw Samir, I couldn't see anything remarkable in him. He looked rather old, more than what his records show. He didn't greet me, and never really made an attempt to do so. It should be said that I had extreme apprehensions about him due to the nature of his case which demanded nothing but contempt. When I asked him if he was involved as said, he never denied it, and maybe never truly accepted it all the same. I remember those conversations as much as the man. "Hi. You're Samir, right? I'm Anand. I'm your advocate for this case." He said nothing. He never even cared to lift his face up and have eye contact. "You see Samir, this is not that complicated a case if you can give me apt details. So you should open up, otherwise it will be difficult." There was a deep well of darkness within his eyes, the extend of which I could not deciph...