Cigarette buds keep piling on in the ash tray,
Words without meanings dance merrily inside my head
Carrying a commotion of dark red flags between you and me,
There is happiness among them, their laughs are inaudible yet visible,
I wave for you to notice me,
The flags pass, the words dissolve,
You look at me and I continue to wave,
Your eyes do not light up, your face do not bring that familiar smile,
You walk away leaving me adrift and alone,
Cigarette buds keep piling on in the ash tray,
And I continue to wave.
Art : Nataraja by Satheesh Kanna All the reverberations of the world nestled In a tiny speck that glowed bright, Like beads in a necklace, It united with The mighty hands of a violent Lord. The speck, moved along like a Cobra, It wrestled to be released, A space Overpowering, yet calm waited For the Cobra to taste his infinity. The Lord held the flames of wrath on his left hand, He clutched onto it with a rage unmatched, With it all powers shall crumble down, With it all creations shall see annihilation. Umbraged, liberated and fearsome, The speck escaped his hands, Fire Spread all around the Lords' head, For once The speck was here, next it was there. It encircled the Lord in a heavenly tune, The frenzy uplifted the Lord, His hands moved to push the flame, Onto the circling speck. In a flash of ambrosial light and sound, The speck exploded and whizzed all around, The Lord went onto a fury of power, He felt his waist c...
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